Thursday, November 10, 2016

She says -
new eyes
new karma
and no, I won't kiss you
though I have thought about if for a while
and we have danced the dance of attraction.

she says

there is more to the action than the reaction
which is primal
and there is more to the result then just

there is the now
and there is the result.

i can't forgive myself for the thinking of it
no, i can't beat the charges of engagement
with an engaged woman.

intricacies play out
they succumb to the moments
imperfect and perfect.

we are merely curious beings
in a world of non answers.

truth be told
i shared my thoughts first
she held back
but relayed a knowledge
of my intentions

take shape of the world
and find yourself fighting the karma
of the unshakable.
she won't have the later

what are you looking for?
in your books
from unheard voices
and bound confinements?

desire to have is as innate
as the desire to breath

what will you find?
what are you looking for?

it won't be me
as sure as the day will turn light in your eyes.

we are engaged beings
to our morals
to our establishments
to our hosts

but never to our secrets.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

something like ease..

in these days of solitude i am learning
and i'm leaning in hard to the habits that have made this machine in me thrust forward in this attempt at life.
i recognize that i am not the most disciplined of energies
and my tendency to fall inward is most present in the absence of structure.
this can be a dangerous thing
as in it's wake it leaves me accomplishing little to nothing.

left to my own devices i will circle my thoughts
dream of big things then dissolve into aimlessly wandering in my here nor there.

i am no fool and recognize that my motivation is directly correlated to the absence or presence of sunshine.

a creativity that waxes and wanes
an attention span that loves to get lost in words-
i am a keeper of letters
and words
and occasionally anger, sadness and utter joy.

I'd have dismissed taking myself seriously years ago and given in to the earlier revelation that maybe i'm just crazy
but that was too comforting and i wanted to make that craziness mean something outside of my head.

i am amazed at how much talent can go to waste simply due to lack of motivation. i fear that my last words will be, "why didn't i do more?!"
i take it a day at a time and live by the ebb and flow of these tiny little fish swimming called emotions and they don't remind me that it's sink or swim-
i relearn this only when i'm coughing and choking and gasping for air.

i'm living easy these days just watching things go by at the speed of cognition and my center is realigning with something deeper in me- something that busy ate up and inattention ignored.

i am getting here
and i'm getting closer to the me in melissa
 was it adriana?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

a driving will..

he says things are broken-
way past mending

i take a moment and wait for that last hammer to fall
and i wait until he finds the madness finding its way out of his body.

i remind him that there have been bigger obstacles
and even bigger assholes
than him

and i see his shoulders fall
and i see the fury ease from his eyes
until that lyrical lie he's been telling himself for years
finds it way into his head again.

i sit in the dusty spaces full- yet incomplete
and i wait till the latest dust up settles
and we tackle the things i never got to say to you
things maybe a little sister could have forced her big brother to hear
and i know we never got that chance so i'm a little more patient now
and i'm checking my judgement at the first admission of wrongdoing and weakness

 today it's me who's doing the listening
and i get a closer look at what it was like for you
being victim time and time again to the vices that always had you pinned.

today- 46 years ago entered the world a promise and an intent
that would lose it's way 42 years later.
i'm coming up on you now brother mike
soon those numbers will belong to me
and i'm gonna count myself through the days till i get passed the date you moved on
and i'm gonna keep on marching to whatever truth that i owe myself to claims me
unless i find it first

and i'm gonna send the messages on to you to fill you in on what you've missed

but in the meantime i'm gonna keep trying to right the man in front of me with whatever i've got
with as little
and as much that i know

things that  i never saw in you
that i never got close enough to say

and then i'm gonna try and tell it to little brother et
and i'm gonna settle the score to the things i could never fix
but never gave up trying to

and i'm gonna show him that things aren't passed mending
and remind him that he can choose to not be the asshole he's been
and he can start looking at himself instead of everyone around him
and see that finger shaking back at him

it may be a long shot
but it's really the only option i've been given
to make this worth what it should have been to you.

Fires in the basement of accountability..

I'm not asking you to rescue me
I'm holding on just fine
to the chaos around me
that finds it's way into my resting place

I know you can't expect to find new meaning when you only listen through the same old earphones; tattered
 broken and barely clear.

I tell myself that I'm more visible and more awake when I'm listening
but sometimes it feels good to let it go and give in to the visible lines that get lower on that bottle
that voice that gets muddled the more I give in to it's offerings

I am better and I am alive
and that is better than most of what I see day in and day out.
It's been a series of shocks and
rolling along the bloodied line of mistakes
but I'm still here and I'm still feeling the misty reminders showering me from above.

I've earned my keep in this place we call home
and though I may never hear anything but judgement rollin' off your blonde hair blue eyed native face
I've got plenty spaces to fill myself with before I go after the likes of you.

Someone's singing to me about the karma police
and though I hope to hear their sirens I sure do hope they pass me by
on their way to you.

These days I'm sensitive to the way we don't look at each other when we speak
and I'm aware of how the lines that connected us divert as they get closer.
I hear the broken when I see the smile
and I carry on when I see the doubt
and I question the intent when I see the forced intimacy
that has no place in these violent spaces we sleep in

A world that keeps the lights up bright
but the truth locked inside the
burned up churches that were never as sacred as they were secret.

A melancholy fire of blues, greens and oranges
that holds connection adrift
and a purposeful meaning prisoner.

If I can buy your trust
does that mean I can claim your virtue?

Flowers still grow despite the sun and snow falling all at once
they just hold on to their petals a while longer
before giving it up.

You clearly see the message has been lost by the messenger-
it's about tangents and

letters mean something at the same time as meaning nothing
something that maybe you just don't comprehend?


and then we are done...

4 two one and the days before..


I lose myself

I’ve lost myself 
and the act of looking out of dirty windows to a clearing, temperamental sky
only reminds me that I’m not sure what I’m looking for out there
Yet it gives me some solace
that I’m still eagerly looking outside

for something.

Today that something is you
it is some symbol
that you are still near me
that this day that the two of you were born means not that you are missing
but that you were once here.

Like a broken phone booth telephone I call the same number over and over again
and my father’s voice is never as happy on the day before
or on this day.

He is full of sorrow.
The day he arrived only serves as a reminder that he’s now missing his son
and his father.

I can’t help but feel the sadness again 
though I promise myself that these things will get easier
you know-
 the more my memory slips
and the more I carry on

but it never has
and I am not certain it ever will.

Numbers are significant
They serve as labels
and they serve as reminders
of something tangible
and something removed.

My biggest mistake continues to be that I am removed
that I am beyond the recent past 
and I am continuously surprised at how foolish I am to think I’ve got these sorts of things figured out.

My quiet serves as a reminder that inside I am burning

I am burning for things I do not know
spaces I do not know
that I may never know

and I am dissatisfied with not having a reason
a purpose
a way to justify getting into those spaces
without a trace
without anyone ever knowing I was even there.

Spaces that are bodies
spaces that are minds
and spaces where things that I do not share
are known.

I am a little lost in this translation of my most recent transformation
This woman who feels close to me
who knows me
and who I’ve grown into
is still aloof to my curious groping
Who is this I?
Who is this woman that I experience every single day
who carries my weight
who looks back at me
who rests her worries on my shoulders?

I’d like to tell her that it should be no surprise that any conviction of the heart comes with steep consequences
I’d like to tell her that the surprises that she thrusts us into always take more time then she’s got
or willing to agree to
to sort out.

It is days like this, 
weeks like these 
that force an opening
that force a reckoning
to any and everyone sitting quietly in the corners
known or unknown

And when I look out the window I recognize
that the clearing sky has turned cloudy and bruised once again
forcing me to go back to the beginning

The beginning that reminds me of you…

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

tucking in to you

i want to be close to you
i want to know the smell of you

i want to know the taste in between your lips
and smiles you save only for me.

you are a mystery-
a mad distraction to me
that makes me want to break myself into a million pieces just so i can float next to you.

i've always wanted something bigger
bigger than me
bigger than the sum of all the broken parts

and here we are

so full
of it

so full of this conviction
that we deserve a big love
even if we are sometimes afraid to create it

i am done walking through the empty spaces
with a picture
in my mind
of what it feels like to be complete

full on love
that is my own

that is yours.

you say you love the way i love you

baby it's taken a million broken hearts to hear that.
it's taken me glueing so many mis-placed parts together
to hear that.

it's taken me hearing my own voice
and trusting my own love
to hear that.

but i finally hear it and
i've finally found the right combination that allows me to see through my barriers.

i am in love
with a million divides
that part the many parts of me

but still i am full enough
to be whole
and offer a whole
part of something

that sees through you
and sees through me.
and neither one of us is safe
to the curiosity
and determination
that i have
to hold on to this.

i'd like to think you have something bigger than what i've known
that's never gonna give it up
and never gonna see anything through but the us we've come to know
and i'm ready for that
i'm ready for your kind of love

because everyone sees that this is the thing that i should do
and sees that this is what i want to do
and the subtle difference is that i do what i want to do
and never what everyone wants me to do.

and baby i want to love you

till the love and blood runs thin
 and then dry in me.

the light of day that runs in circles

there are signs all around me
and music in my ears and space

i want to stretch out

my mind
my thoughts
my hurts
my secrets

and i will tell you this

i believe in magic
the more i recognize the syncronicities in life.
sometimes things make sense in the most profound ways
and then sometimes things take you for a ride
and leave you on a corner that you never intended to find.

but those unfamiliar corners are the places to find part of yourself
no matter how fucked up you feel about it or yourself.
those are the perfect moments that change your life in some small way.

those are the moments that make you thankful that you can start all over.

there are times that i'm thankful i get to dress up
be somebody else for a while
but sometimes when i'm not myself
i'm someone else-

she walked over to me
swaying with a smile i've recognized from so many times before
not in her but in an intentional

she planted her mouth on mine and reached for something more
something i wanted to give back
and we swayed
and played inside that kiss for a minute
the embrace was released and
she danced on to the next mouth and soul to taste.

i thought about her for a few days after that
and all the complexities she offered the world
and i thought
better than to dwell on a moment with a lost woman
because after all-
she was the kind that no one could hold on to
but only loosely.

but for a minute i was the star of her show
and a gypsy that made me feel alive.